Adam Miholic


ADAM MIHOLIC Senior Consultant Drawing on nearly 10 years’ experience, Adam works with clients and prospects to model and evaluate various captive insurance structures that will best protect and finance risk for corporations of any size and industry. He has extensive experience leading captive feasibility and modeling projects for Group Captives, Cell Captives, Risk Retention Groups and both large and small Single Parent Captive entities. Adam is actively involved as a speaker and panelist for industry associations and events, routinely authors or contributes to captive and risk management publications, and works with many State and Federal regulatory agencies regarding captive legislation. Adam currently serves as committee member for the Captive Insurance Companies Association's (CICA) NextGen initiative, focused on attracting, retaining, and educating young and new professionals in the captive industry. Adam is also on the conference committee for the Western Region Captive Insurance Conference (WRCIC). Adam has earned the honor of Captive Review “Power 50: One to Watch” in 2021 and Captive Insurance Times “Emerging Talent” in 2019. 

PROFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTS • Alternative Risk Financing • Financial Modeling • Construction • Healthcare • Education
