Alejandra Crisafulli

Alejandra Crusafulli Coaching

Named” Best Life Coach” in California by The Corporate America’s, 2016 Boardroom Elite Awards, Alejandra

Crusafulli has educated thousands with her revolutionary coaching methods. She is the Founder and

Master Coach of Alejandra Crusafulli Coaching and Co-Founder of Naked Audience Productions. She holds a

Master of Metaphysical Sciences and has over 16 years of experience in corporate management, coaching,

training and development. Alejandra is considered one of the “pioneers” of the coaching industry and has

coached and trained clients in the United States, Canada and Japan.

Alejandra is well-known for her engaging and compelling style, custom designed coaching programs and

her ground-breaking Ultimate Life Success Formula. Alejandra, unlike many other coaches, takes her

clients on a deep self-exploration journey. With Alejandra’s guidance and support, clients are able to

release limiting beliefs, break through communication barriers and achieve profound healing. As a result,

over 1400 coaching clients have achieved personal, financial and business success, reached their goals and

created authentic lives filled with love and purpose.

Alejandra’s commitment to her own coaching practice and to the advancement of the industry is

demonstrated by her investment in developing advanced methods, trainings and workshops. She listens

to the needs of her coaching clients and training audiences and answers those needs by creatively

designing innovative programs. She keeps an eye on the industry, examines existing coaching programs

and determines where her practice can fill a market void. Alejandra continues to be dedicated to being a

powerful voice in the coaching movement.
