Andrea Ward

SUMMIT Constructors, LLC

Andrea Ward: Andrea Nicholson Ward lives in Lebanon, TN and works in Nashville TN. She works as an Accounting Controller for Grading and Site Utility Contractor, Summit Constructors LLC/Jones Bros. She has been in construction since she was 18 years old starting out as a file clerk for a local general contractor in Nashville, TN. She worked for them for 8 years and rose to be Assistant Controller. She then accepted a position as Controller for a Cabinet Company. Right before the housing crisis, she was able to get a job as a Controller with her current employer and has been with them for 17 years on November 1, 2023. She has her Associates of Applied Science in Accounting from Nashville State Community College and a Bachelor of Science in Business/Accounting from University of Phoenix. She received both all while working her way up in the construction accounting field and doing school at night. She is a member of the CFMA Nashville chapter since 2008. She is also member of NAWIC Nashville Chapter #16 since 2013. On the CFMA chapter lever she has been, Treasurer, Vice-President, President, and membership. On a NAWIC chapter level, she has held every position on the board. She has been the membership chair for 6 out of the 9 years she has been a member. She has held NAWIC National Co-Membership chair from 2015-2016 and 2019-2020. She became NAWIC National Membership chair in 2020-2021. She is currently the NAWIC Southeast Region Director for 2021-2023. This position helps here to be advisor to 14 NAWIC Chapters in the southeast which covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee. She is also a member of Construction Financial Managers Association Nashville Chapter. She was President of the local CFMA chapter in 2013-2014. Her goal is to show young women out there that there are so many jobs in the construction industry that they can work their way up and have an enjoyable career. Her hobbies are taking scenery photos and sitting on her back porch watching the birds on their feeders. She is married to Lawrence (Larry) Ward and has one bonus son Bransen.
