Carmela Little

Chief Financial Officer, Brycon

Carmela Little serves as Chief Financial Officer for Brycon. Over the past 19 years, she has worked as a chief financial officer and controller in both the private and municipal sector of the construction industry. She has helped companies streamline accounting operations, introduced internal controls, and driven powerful financial initiatives. She has improved operations by breaking down siloed processes and enhancing them, while fostering increased collaboration and efficiency. She has implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to help information flow between all business functions, providing efficiencies and business resources. Carmela graduated from the University of New Mexico with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. She was a voting member on the City of Albuquerque’s Investment Oversight Committee where she helped manage and optimize the financial assets of the City with a focus on prudent decision-making and risk management. She is an active member and serves on several boards and organizations throughout the community including the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Leadership New Mexico, Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), Rio Rancho Education Foundation, New Mexico Society of CPA’s and the Association of Governmental Accountants. Carmela is a proven leader in her field known for her exceptional leadership skills and ability to inspire and guide teams to success.
