Chip Holcombe

One Columbus

Chip works to raise funds from the Central Ohio business community to finance One Columbus’ comprehensive economic and business development strategies. Financial resources are provided by local governments and more than 300 Columbus Region businesses and organizations that represent more than 20 industry sectors. With more than 25 years of successful economic development consulting and fundraising experience throughout the U.S., Chip’s experience helps One Columbus investors and stakeholders truly maximize their engagement opportunities and return on investment. Before joining One Columbus, Chip managed more than 25 economic development fundraising campaigns in markets throughout the US including – Detroit, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, St. Louis, Atlanta and Memphis to name a few. Chip is not shy asking for money – having conducted more than 9,000 one-on-one solicitation calls with business and community leaders and personally raised $200 million to fund economic development programs. He is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and resides in Powell with his wife Julie and their assortment of rescued dogs and cats.
