Gregg Davis

EPIC Brokers & Consultants

Gregg Davis is a Principal with EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants based in the Los Angeles area. He serves as the Technical Advisory Solutions (TAS) Leader – Professional, Executive, and Cyber Solutions within the Insurance Capital Solutions Group.

Gregg and his team provide analytics/exposure modeling, pre-underwriting (review of applications and supplements), proactive coaching, oversight of EPIC’s vendor panel, risks/crisis monitoring and education, and incident response preparedness and support.

Gregg brings over 35 years of experience to the EPIC team in executive roles including CISO, CTO, CIO, and CEO. 

Gregg began his career in law enforcement and moved into the insurance industry as a fraud investigator and certified multiline adjuster with Safeco Insurance. Gregg also served as the IT director for the Southwest region as Safeco transitioned from mainframes to PC’s. 

Gregg continued his path in technology forming his own company that focused on technology solutions with security as a top priority in the design of software, hardware, and infrastructure. Gregg’s company was acquired by Webcor Builders in 2001 where is served as a Senior Vice President/CISO & CIO for over 12 years. Webcor was acquired by Obayashi Corporation and Gregg led the Cybersecurity worldwide team protecting an organization with a global revenue exceeding $1.9 billion.

Gregg went on to be the CTO and then the CEO of Arreva focusing on software for non-profits with cybersecurity as a top priority to keep client data secure for over 10 years until joining EPIC.

He is a licensed California broker and is certified by the International Association of Privacy Professionals as a Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT).

Gregg has officiated college ice hockey games.
