
Gretchen Gagel

Gretchen Gagel is a recognized expert in the construction industry, consulting to both owners on strategies and tactics to optimize project and program delivery as well as contractors, engineering firms, and material and equipment suppliers on how to effectively achieve organizational success. Gretchen works in partnership with her clients to determine strategies for more closely aligning the value chain to reduce construction costs and schedules, and improve profitability. She began her consulting career in 1994 with FMI Corporation, a Raleigh, NC-based management consulting and investment banking firm focused upon the construction industry, where she was a member of the contractor-focused Quality and Productivity Improvement Group, initiated and provided leadership to the Owner Services Group, and managed the Market Research Group. She received her BS in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Methodist University and is a graduate of the University of Denver MBA program. In addition, she holds a master's in Nonprofit Management from Regis University. Gretchen is currently completing her coursework to become a candidate for PhD in Organizational Performance, Learning, and Change.
