Jack Callahan

Cohn Reznick, Partner

With more than 35 years of experience, Jack Callahan serves as CohnReznick's Construction Industry Leader overseeing a team of 200 professionals across the United States. Jack has served as a trusted advisor to contractors throughout their entire lifecycle demonstrating exemplary client satisfaction building a reputation as a results-oriented leader dedicated to driving company growth and transformation. Jack and his team have worked extensively with both private developers and public agencies to develop and implement fiscal and integrity monitoring programs to successfully mitigate the costs of fraud, waste, and abuse on large development projects. Jack was the lead partner for CohnReznick on the monitoring and investigative work performed at Ground Zero and continues to spearhead the ongoing initiatives at LaGuardia and O’Hare airports. Jack has extensive knowledge, insights, and experience in accounting, corporate taxation, and business consulting matters within the construction community and values his well-earned role as trusted business advisor.
