Jay Gubrud

Jay Gubrud Inc

Jay Gubrud is a catalyst for performance improvement. He is a dynamic professional speaker, trainer, author and consultant who has been presenting across industries and audiences for over seventeen years. His programs challenge participants to eliminate the everyday roadblocks to their success. Jay has an innate ability to relate the trials of life and business in a way that everyone can relate to … Cars and Driving!

He has never been afraid to have a difference of opinion or shake up the status quo. He believes that regularly moving out of your comfort zone and improving your performance are key to personal and professional success and satisfaction.

He values the contribution of all people’s personalities and characteristics at the office and at home. His presentation style honors these differences and seeks to create an environment of mutual respect. Jay’s strives to open people’s minds to new ways of thinking and acting while at the same time reducing negativity. Another one of his strengths is connecting…connecting need and opportunity together to create value at every turn. Find out more on this topic in Jay’s upcoming book to be released in 2014!

In high school and college he didn’t reside in just one group, he knew all the groups and built connections and transferred opportunities amongst those different groups. He continues to do that by working in a variety of industries and transferring ideas between different industries.

A few unique facts about Jay:
He has been riding motorcycle since he was 7 years old.
He made an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.
He has had the pleasure of riding in a rare Ferrari F40 worth nearly $1,000,000.
He has never missed a speaking engagement in 18 years.
He does not like mushrooms.
