Lisa Autino CCIFP, CPA

Caliente Construction, CFO

Ms. Autino has more than thirty-two years in the construction industry. In late 1991 she joined Corbins Electric as Controller. In 2001 she was named the company’s CFO and simultaneously became an owner. After more than 21 years at Corbins Electric, Ms. Autino moved to Caliente Construction Inc. as CFO. Lisa has been a member of the Valley of the Sun CFMA Chapter since 1992. She has served on many committees and is one of only three members of the chapter who served in every officer role. She joined CFMA’s Accreditation Committee and served as its Chair from April 1, 2019 until March 31, 2022. Ms. Autino was selected as the CCIFP of the Year in 2022. She has mentored others in the industry as well as through programs at Northern Arizona University and St. Vincent de Paul. Lisa enjoys traveling, playing games, and Jazzercise.
