Michelle McHale

Plante Moran

With expertise in fraud, forensic accounting, damage/loss analysis, and insurance claim analysis, Michelle works with clients to resolve anomalies or unusual transactions that warrant an investigation. As no industry is immune to fraud, she works across all sectors to help companies move forward with their businesses.

When clients have an urgent problem, they’re distraught, they’re not sleeping, and they look to us for an immediate response. We quickly act as a triage team to pinpoint the source of the damage, stop the fraud, and quantify the losses. After more than 20 years performing forensic work, Michelle has seen almost every problem a client can have, and nothing surprises her.
She’s proud of the forensic investigative team we’ve established. We’ve broadened the firm’s name recognition in this area as we’ve increased client services and solidified our reputation as an immediate responder.

Michelle is often asked to speak to various organizations and industry professionals on fraud and forensics. She belongs to the AICPA and the MICPA where she was the Fraud Task Force chair. Michelle has a B.B.B in accountancy from Walsh College. A proud lover of the arts, she supports the not-for-profit group Artists Creating Together.
