
Staci Huffman CPA

Audit Manager, EideBailly

Staci has more than fifteen years of experience in public accounting. She provides assurance and accounting services to entities including contractors, nonprofits, and employee benefit plans.

She helps organizations understand the impact of financial statement changes and disclosure requirements and provides training to clients for their financial statement analysis and understanding. For contractor clients, this includes in-depth analysis of WIP schedules, highlighting performance of each job, and how those fades and gains impact the financial statements.

She facilitates better accounting systems for clients and helps them understand and implement cost accounting. Job costing is instrumental to good construction accounting and provides clients with improved interim financial statements, allowing them to make more informed decisions for their companies. Staci developed and facilitated trainings for construction company bookkeepers focused on proper chart of accounts, job costing and indirect allocations, taught to local industry organizations such as Associated Builders and Contractors and Spokane Home Builders Association.

Outside of work, Staci enjoys trivia. She is involved with multiple trivia teams and is a Jeopardy! champion. She also enjoys spending time with her family and going to the theater to watch movies.
