Tony Stagliano CPA, CCIFP

CBIZ, Inc. and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., National Managing Director of A/E/C Services

Tony is a CPA and CCIFP who brings more than 40 years of experience exclusively serving construction and real estate clients. He is a graduate of Villanova University. Tony is a charter member, past treasurer, and board member of the Construction Financial Management Association CFMA’s first chapter Philadelphia. He has been honored by the Chapter, as Associate Member of the Year and Honorary Chapter President. He has received CFMA’s; Debra Hahn, Danny B. Parrish and Joe Quigley national awards and has served on CFMA’s Executive Committee and as national Secretary. Tony has also served as chairman of the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (ICCIFPs), Examination and Test Development Committees. Tony was honored with the ICCIFP Founders Award. He was also honored to receive the CFMA Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Anthony R. Stagliano Leadership Award, which is awarded each year to a worthy recipient. Tony is a longtime author for CFMA Building Profits. He actively participates in several other associations including the General Building Contractors Association (GBCA - AGC of Philadelphia), Subcontractors Association of Delaware Valley (SADV), the Contractors Association of Eastern PA (CAEP) and as the Associated Builders & Contractors (ABCs) national Treasure for eight years. He also developed an all-day construction industry seminar program for the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs (PICPA) which continues annually in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, PA.
