Uniting the Construction Industry Behind Suicide Prevention

Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 3:00-4:30PM ET (Noon-1:30PM PT)


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the construction industry ranks #1 in the number of recorded suicide deaths and #2 in suicide rates in the U.S. Leaders in construction companies must address this issue as seriously as it does jobsite safety and adopt a "Zero Suicide" goal to accompany the traditional "Zero Accident" target. This webinar will address the risk factors that put construction workers at such high risk for suicide, build a business case for addressing mental health in the workplace, give a lived experience view on mental illness and suicide, and provide steps for employers to build mental wellness and suicide prevention measures into their company programs and policies.

Learning Objectives
After attending this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand why construction workers are especially at risk for mental illness and suicide and what construction businesses can do about it.
  • Gain a general knowledge of mental illness, the warning signs and steps that can be taken to help someone in need.
  • Discuss the tools, resources and organizations that are available to help companies to build a caring culture and protect their at-risk employees.

- Cal Beyer, Director of Risk Management, Lakeside Industries
- Michelle Walker, VP Finance & Administration, SSC Boring
- Bob Swanson

Level & Prerequisites
This is a group-internet based program at the Overview Level. No prerequisites or advanced preparation required.

CPE information
This webinar grants 1.5 CPE credits in the field of Personnel/HR to eligible participants.

Who should attend?
CEOs, Business owners, C-level leaders, managers, HR, Safety & Risk Management personnel.

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